DIY Pet Spot Cleaning

If you decide to try cleaning it yourself we recommend the following: First blot up all the liquid possible by placing a clean towel on the spot and standing on it. Apply a bacterial – enzyme digester according to directions. When dry, remove any remaining stain with...

Breathing In Chemicals?

According to the EPA, and published in the Washington Post, almost one-fifth of commercial cleaners contain “hidden chemicals”.Fiber Pro is not surprised by this report. What’s surprising is that the EPA finally provided the percentage of cleaning products that...

Change Your Air Filters

Clean air in your home is why you should change out your air filter monthly. Besides reducing dust and other pollens It can also greatly decrease the cost of your electric bill. Select an air filter that fits your air duct. If you purchase a filter that is too small...

Cleaning Your Upholstery

Cleaning upholstery yourself can be tricky. Upholstery is one of the most complex material to clean. You know how, when a lot of men do the laundry, they throw everything in together at one time? Whites, colors, that old towel that has mildew on it. They cram the...

What Are “Dust Mites”?

WHAT ARE “DUST MITES”? Dust mites and the dust mites allergies are one of the growing concerns in every home. Let’s get to know with the basic info, allergies and how to get rid of them. Dust Mites also called “bed mites”, can create a harmful environment...

Should I Clean My Carpet Or Replace My Carpet?

How often should I clean my carpet?  It depends. For some people, if it looks dirty, it needs to be cleaned. But the outward appearance of a carpet isn’t always the best way to determine whether carpet cleaning  is necessary or not.  The questions you should ask are:...

Why Should I Use Carpet Protectant?

  Why should I use carpet protectant? There are many things you can do to help extend the life and look of your carpet. Perhaps one of the most important things you can do to maintain your carpet, is to use a carpet protectant.  How does it work? Carpet protectant...

Don’t Go To The Gym

Want To Lose Weight? Did you know you can lose weight by doing the house-work, the “chores” that we all try to avoid every day? We hate to do house work and avoid it much as possible.  But, did you know that you can burn a lot of calories with cleaning? How is it...

What Are Allergens?

Did I make you sneeze?  Allergens in your home are bad for you and your family! It’s that season again season. It’s bad enough outside, where you can see the pollen on your windshield.!  What do allergens do? Itchy, runny eyes, runny nose?  Many people...

Pet Urine

Pet Urine Oh No! You get home from work and guess what ? Your poor baby “tinkled” on the carpet. They don’t mean for it to happen. But, occasionally it does. Any animal urine can cause permanent damage to your carpet and furniture. It can also create...

Air Filtration

Air Filtration What Is Air Filtration? Air filtration. Those dark lines around baseboards, staircases, under doors, draperies, couches and near ac/heat vents, any place that the air filters through or under, causes what is called air filtration soiling. This “dark...
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